getting involved
One of the many things that makes the Co-op
special is our sense of community, which is built
on the foundation of family involvement. Parents, caregivers and grandparents have several
opportunities to help shape and guide the
experience of children during their years here.
Join the Executive Board - We have a volunteer
board that is comprised of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Nominating Chairs, and
Personnel Chair. We look to fill openings in the
spring, so please let any of us know if you are interested.
Be a Room Parent - Each class asks for two volunteers to act as representatives of their class at General Board meetings, help to organize class gifts, and support the needs of the class as a whole.
Drop by for a surprise visit - Teachers and kids alike delight in welcoming loved ones in the classroom. Be a Mystery Reader, surprise your child for birthday celebrations, share family traditions or just come in to share a hobby or occupation. Simply arrange beforehand with teachers and watch the joy when you pop in unannounced.
Attend General Board meetings - General Board meetings are open to the entire Co-op community. No registration is needed and everyone is encouraged to come, learn about what's happening and add your voice.
Lend a hand - Extra hands go a long way in helping make our key fundraisers a success or your children's school experience that much more special. We will always appreciate your help and involvement.